Thursday, December 13, 2012

Hurricane Sandy & Our Government

First & foremost ,I have been neglecting my blog post for a long time. It does not mean I was void of opinion or thought. I have been sending my mental firing synapsis via twitter. There is so many stories that has taken place that I can write about but I will write about Hurricane Sandy which will segue into other topics that hang on the heels of Sandy. Right now you have Republican members of
Congress Who will rather deny New York City monies to clean up and rebuild just because Pres. Barack Obama will be credited with its recovery. These so called lovers of Patriotism have time and time again has shown this country their loyalty by standing with the Republican party and not the people of these United States. It is a sad day when these so called patriots hold our country hostage with such malice and evil content to SCREW Potus and all of America to win back the WH.the people's voice will not be silenced when TRUTH is on our side of history.
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